Spending a few extra dollars on pressure washing can save you big in the end

Pressure washing can do wonders for the curb appeal of any property. From cleaning flat surfaces such as parking lots or driveways to cleaning the exterior of the structure also known as “soft-washing”. Although anyone can purchase a pressure washer from your local hardware store, it is not ideal for anyone to perform the service.
Pressure washing is a skill that is learned through hands on training, continuing education, and experience. The employee’s of South Mountain Window Cleaning have been properly trained in the use of this high powered equiptment and take precautions to prevent damages from happening. Common damages that are seen with inexperienced pressure washers are personal injury, damage to stucco, or etching flat concrete. While it is not impossible for a professional to make a mistake, it is much less likely. If we do make a mistake we carry $1 Million dollars worth of insurance to protect both the customer and ourselves in the event of an accident.
If you are pricing out a pressure washing job to service providers make sure they are experienced, insured, and trustworthy. The cheapest price is not always a good thing.
If you would like an estimate from South Mountain Window Cleaning for any of your pressure washing or window cleaning needs please call us at (480) 519-9327 or fill out the form below.